KnowledgeBase is a customer support and effortless self-service software that helps you manage your customer education process. It encourages your customers’ self-service and helps your support teams decrease the total support time.ย
By connecting ChatBot to KnowledgeBase, your customers can receive article suggestions during the chat with the bot.
The integration process has two parts:
creating a KnowledgeBase and ChatBot webhook
adding it to the bot flow to show possible articles in the chat
The suggested articles will be displayed as the Gallery bot response - each article will be displayed as a separate card.
How to create a webhook in ChatBot
You mustย create a webhook connection between ChatBot and KnowledgeBase products to suggest an article to your customers. You can do that directly in your bot.
Go to your bot, open the Integrations panel, and choose the Webhook option from the list. Proceed with the Connect button.
Proceed by clicking the Create new webhook button.
Fill in the form with the following details:
Webhook name: KnowledgeBase
Webhook URL:
Verification token: knowledgebase-verification
- key: X-Forwarded-License
- value: **your KnowledgeBase license ID
Add the integration. The new webhook will be displayed on the integrations list.
How to add the KnowledgeBase webhook to your bot flow
When the webhook is created and the integration is active, you must place it correctly in the bot flow. The bot will display the articles only when the block is triggered on the bot flow.
To start the searching process, you need to collect the user’s query. The best way to do it is with attributes.
Add a User input block to the bot flow. Add an attribute to collect the user’s question - choose the Any Entity to collect the whole user response, and choose an attribute from the list, or add your custom Any attribute.
Add the Webhook block right after the User input block. Click the Webhook block and choose KnowledgeBase webhook from the list.
What to do when no articles are found
If the user’s query does not match any articles you have created in the KnowledgeBase, none will be returned to the bot. If you don’t cover such a case, the chat will be stuck.
To cover such cases, add a Bot response block after the Webhook’s Success block. Enter your response about not having an answer and select Add filter button above the message.
Choose an option to Add a custom attribute, and fill in the form:
Attribute name: kb_search_results
Condition: = equals
Value: 0
Apply the filter and close the block. The filter will be visible above your message.
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