Show products

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Sylwia Kocur
2 min read
updated: Jun 11, 2024

The Show Products action lets you display selected items as product cards in chat. The cards can help you attract customers’ attention to your promo offers. Each card includes a picture, description, and button.

Product photos help recreate the in-store experience and keep customers engaged. ChatBot lets you cleverly use them in your chatbot conversation on your Shopify store. They also funnel customers directly to the product page. You can shorten the sale cycle and increase your conversion rates using the Show Products action.

To use the Show products action, you must integrate ChatBot with Shopify first.
To use the Show products action, you must integrate ChatBot with Shopify first.

How to use the Show Products actionLink icon

  1. Add the Show Products action in your bot. Click the block and choose a Shopify store to continue.

  2. In the Action type section, select the Show products from your store option. This option will display the products you choose. To select products, click the Select products button.

    Choose the Show products matched in Product availability option if you’d like to display the products based on the user’s query. This article explains the other option.

  3. You can select up to 11 products from your Shopify store by typing the product name or selecting items from the list.

  4. The selected products will be displayed as cards in the widget. Customize the product card β€” edit its title, text, and button title.

  5. To make the chat flow smoothly, add a Bot response block after the Success block with a response. This will give the user options for their next steps. You can use the Quick replies bot response to give them options.

  6. Test your bot to check whether your cards are displayed properly. The items will be available as cards in the chat. When the user selects the card button, they’ll be taken to the corresponding product page in your Shopify store.

What to do when the bot cannot find the itemsLink icon

When the bot cannot find available items, it goes to the Failure block. Add a Bot response block there to redirect it. This will let the chatbot start the process again.

Use the Quick reply response to give the user the option to circle back with a button click. In the configuration, choose the Go to block button type and the correct block from the bot structure.

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