Testing tool

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Sylwia Kocur
2 min read
updated: Jul 16, 2024

The testing tool allows you to test your bot within the bot builder. You can see which interactions were triggered by test messages. You can adjust the bot flow on the go and check whether everything works as intended before your chatbot connects with users.

Using the testing toolLink icon

The tool is in the upper right corner of the visual builder. To access it, go to your bot and choose the Test your bot button.

In the Testing tool settings, choose between options:

  • Debug Mode - see all the actions and interactions triggered during the chat, not only messages sent

  • Returned user - decide if the bot should act as if the user chats with it for the first time, or not

  • Follow the steps on the tree - move the bot flow to show you which blocks are triggered during chat based on the user message

  • Typing indicator - message indicating the bot is typing the response

  • Reset chat - lets you start a chat from scratch

Testing your chat from any placeLink icon

If you need to test only a specific interaction or action, you can start testing from any block in your flow. To start, right-click on the desired block and choose the Start testing from here option from the bottom of the menu.

Changes made in the visual builder during testing are not automatically applied to the live bot version. Use the Publish button to publish or update changes made to the bot in the ChatBot Chat Widget or other integration. The changes are available live only when the latest bot version is published.
Changes made in the visual builder during testing are not automatically applied to the live bot version. Use the Publish button to publish or update changes made to the bot in the ChatBot Chat Widget or other integration. The changes are available live only when the latest bot version is published.

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