
LiveChat Transfer Has Just Got Simpler

2 min read
Apr 12, 2018
live chat logo on an orange background

The new transfer action brings more flexibility and simpler configuration to the LiveChat integration.

Previously we’ve used the transfer interaction to redirect ongoing chats to LiveChat agents, that had been automatically added to the story after activating the integration. This solution worked all fine, but it didn’t leave much space for customization. That’s why we’ve decided to replace it with the new flexible LiveChat transfer action.

How does the new transfer work

The new transfer action works exactly like any other bot response or action — it can be added to each interaction from the bot responses panel and have filters, and the delay applied. The action can be triggered at any point of the scenario, including the fallback interaction, active when the bot doesn’t recognize the query.

The configuration is quick and easy and allows you to decide to which LiveChat group the chat is going to be transferred to and set up the message in case all the agents are offline.

We want you to decide when your agent's steps in and take over the ongoing chat, that’s why it the transfer isn’t anymore added automatically with the LiveChat integration.

Check out how to use the new transfer action

What happened to the old transfer

For those of you who had used the old LiveChat transfer, we’ve got good news. We’ve updated your account to the new LiveChat transfer version. If you experience any problems, please contact us ASAP, and we’ll help you to solve it.