Train your chatbot

Agnieszka Dudziak
Agnieszka Dudziak
5 min read
updated: Feb 21, 2024

Train your chatbot to bring a better experience to users.

FAQ & AI TrainingLink icon

You can train your chatbot with the help of the FAQ & AI Training sections in the main view of your bot, in the top-left part of your screen.

What is the Unmatched categoryLink icon

This is where you’ll see user messages your ChatBot AI Assist couldn’t answer. It allows you to review all the unmatched queries that have been responded to with the fallback interaction. You can provide answers for these and add them to the FAQ, and then your AI model will use these for similar questions later.

AI AssistĀ is a block that usesĀ our in-house AI modelĀ to provide dynamic responses to the end users based on the data trained from the initial source (website URL, Zendesk help center, KnowledgeBase help center).
AI AssistĀ is a block that usesĀ our in-house AI modelĀ to provide dynamic responses to the end users based on the data trained from the initial source (website URL, Zendesk help center, KnowledgeBase help center).

If a query shouldn’t be added to your chatbot, select the query and click the trash icon to delete it. You won’t see it again in your Training section.

To add a phrase to the FAQ, select it from the list and click on the Add to FAQ button.

Your phrase was trained and added to the FAQ’s General category.Ā 

FAQ sectionLink icon

This section lets you add customers’ questions and answers that your AI model will use in conversations. Any questions trained in theĀ TrainingĀ section will also appear here.Ā 

Select theĀ + Add questionĀ option to add a new entry.Ā 

To remove a question from the FAQ, click on the three dots next to the question and selectĀ Delete question.

To create a new FAQ category, select + Add category.

The new category will be untitled. Click on the three dots to either Rename or Delete the category.

What is the AI Assist answered categoryLink icon

In the Training section, you can also review and edit all ChatBot “AI Assist answered” queries and add them directly to the FAQ. After you do this, your AI model will use these new responses in the future.

With categories already created in the FAQ section, you can choose a category from the drop-down menu to which you add the entry.

You can work faster by selecting multiple entries.

AI KnowledgeLink icon

You can continue training your AI chatbot with the help of theĀ AI Knowledge sources:

  • Websites

  • Articles

  • KnowledgeBase help center

  • Zendesk help center

The AI Knowledge section gathers data that ChatBot AI Assist uses to answer your customers’ queries. You can see it in the main view of your chatbot, in the top-left part of your screen.

WebsitesLink icon

Select + Add content and scan your website’s content to get answers to popular user questions.Ā 

You can filter websites used to train your AI chatbot. Select + Add filter and choose one of the conditions.


  • used by AI

  • not used by AI

Source is ā€” select a website from the drop-down list.

Model usage is a number of sources your AI Assist model actively uses to answer customersā€™ queries.
Model usage is a number of sources your AI Assist model actively uses to answer customersā€™ queries.

ArticlesLink icon

Select + Add content and add editable text articles to train your chatbot with them. For example, you can copy and paste your internal documentation or unpublished URL content.

The Articles section is designed for questions that require more complex and longer responses. Content provided as answers will be paraphrased to best match the userā€™s question.

If you require shorter and simpler responses and have multiple simple questions, we recommend using the AI FAQ module. You can provide multiple questions and their responses - the responses will be provided to the chat in that exact form.

The Articles section is designed for questions that require more complex and longer responses. Content provided as answers will be paraphrased to best match the userā€™s question.

If you require shorter and simpler responses and have multiple simple questions, we recommend using the AI FAQ module. You can provide multiple questions and their responses - the responses will be provided to the chat in that exact form.

You can quickly format text (e.g.,Ā bold, italicize, addĀ a hyperlink) and block elements (H1 headings).

Make sure to click on the Save and close button in the top right corner to save your article.
Make sure to click on the Save and close button in the top right corner to save your article.

To add more articles, click on the + Add content button.Ā 

You can filter articles used to train your AI chatbot. Select + Add filter and chooseĀ 


  • used by AI

  • not used by AI

After selecting an article, you’ll see four options at the bottom. From the left:

  • Delete the article

  • Refresh content

  • Disable AI (you can see the State of the selected article in the last column)

  • Enable AI (if it’s disabled and you want ChatBot AI Assist to use this source’s knowledge).

KnowledgeBaseLink icon

Scan your KnowledgeBase help center to get answers to popular user questions.

ZendeskLink icon

Scan your Zendesk help center to get answers to popular user questions.

Priority of knowledge sources for AI chatbotLink icon

  1. The AI chatbot will search for an answer on the conversation tree first.

  2. FAQĀ module ā€” questions and answers that your AI model uses when interacting with customers.

  3. AI AssistĀ block ā€” our in-house AI model that provides dynamic responses based on the data trained in theĀ AI KnowledgeĀ module (websites, articles, KnowledgeBase, and Zendesk help center). Additionally, AI Assist takes into accountĀ Training, i.e., phrases configured in the FAQ & AI Training section.

The fallback interaction is triggered when your chatbot doesn’t recognize the user’s query.

Remember that the more you train your chatbot, the better it gets.

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