Segments allow the creation of lists that can be utilized in marketing campaigns, databases, and more.
ChatBot automatically collects all users who chat with it and stores their data in the Users section. Depending on your needs, you can add or delete users from Segments at any point in that section. You can also design the bot flow to send different messages for users added to segments.
You can use actions directly on the bot flow to manage your segments - you can automatically add and delete users from segments with dedicated actions - Add to segment and Delete from segment. The user will be added or deleted from the list when the block is triggered during the chat.
Create a new segment
To create a new segment, go to the Account Settings section. Choose the User Segments section from the side menu. Add the segment with the +Add segment button.
Name the segment. After creating, the new segment will be visible at the top of the list.
Edit or remove segments
Hover over the segment you’d like to edit or remove. Choose one of the icons—edit or remove—and confirm the choice.
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