Transfer chat for LiveChat

Agnieszka Dudziak
Agnieszka Dudziak
9 min read
updated: Jan 9, 2024

Let your chatbot transfer chats to your customer support team whenever needed.

TheĀ LiveChatĀ integration lets you pass an ongoing chat from your chatbot to your customer service team. You can decide when the transfer should be handled and what happens if your agents are unavailable.

How to use the Transfer chat actionLink icon

  1. Open your chatbot.

  2. Choose a point in the chatbot at which you want to transfer the chat to a human agent.

  3. Drag the Transfer chat block from the menu and drop it at your chosen point.

    The Transfer chat action supports two paths: Success and Failure. These allow you to prepare your chatbot for two different scenarios:

    TheĀ SuccessĀ path is triggered when a chat is transferred successfully.

    TheĀ FailureĀ path is triggered when a chat transfer is unsuccessful. This may happen when:

  • There are no human agents in LiveChat, so your chatbot can’t pass chats to them.

  • Agents are logged into LC, but their status is set toĀ not accepting chats.

  • Agents are accepting chats, but they’ve reached the maximum number of concurrent chats.

The chat wonā€™t be passed to an agent when you test theĀ Transfer chatĀ action for LiveChat using the internalĀ Testing Tool. To test LiveChat actions, connect your chatbot to LiveChat and try it in the LiveChat Chat Widget. Also, the transfer is possible only when at least one agent is available in LiveChat and they accept chats.
The chat wonā€™t be passed to an agent when you test theĀ Transfer chatĀ action for LiveChat using the internalĀ Testing Tool. To test LiveChat actions, connect your chatbot to LiveChat and try it in the LiveChat Chat Widget. Also, the transfer is possible only when at least one agent is available in LiveChat and they accept chats.
To correctly transfer the chat to an agent, you must turnĀ Auto assignmentĀ on in your LiveChat app. If you select theĀ Manual selection, the chat wonā€™t be transferred. Instead, itā€™ll be kept in a queue.
To correctly transfer the chat to an agent, you must turnĀ Auto assignmentĀ on in your LiveChat app. If you select theĀ Manual selection, the chat wonā€™t be transferred. Instead, itā€™ll be kept in a queue.
  1. Now, open theĀ Transfer chatĀ block and decide which LiveChat group the chat should be transferred to.

    If you want to transfer a chat within the same group it started, chooseĀ Within the group.

    If you want to transfer a chat to a different group than the one from which it started, chooseĀ To another group. Then, type in the group’s ID in LiveChat.

The ID = 0 refers to theĀ GeneralĀ group. You can check the groupā€™s ID in theĀ TeamĀ tab on your LiveChat account. To do so, go toĀ GroupsĀ and select the group from the list. The groupā€™s ID is the number in the top right corner of your screen.
The ID = 0 refers to theĀ GeneralĀ group. You can check the groupā€™s ID in theĀ TeamĀ tab on your LiveChat account. To do so, go toĀ GroupsĀ and select the group from the list. The groupā€™s ID is the number in the top right corner of your screen.
  1. Next, add a Bot response after the Failure block. You can use it to let users know that your agents are unavailable.

    If needed, you can also redirect them to another interaction to sustain a conversation.

TheĀ SuccessĀ block ends the path. From this point forward, a human agent takes over the chat, and no other chatbot interaction can be triggered.
TheĀ SuccessĀ block ends the path. From this point forward, a human agent takes over the chat, and no other chatbot interaction can be triggered.
When you integrate ChatBot with LiveChat, you need to replace the ChatBot tracking code on your website with LiveChatā€™s code. If you donā€™t add the LiveChat code to your website, LiveChat actions wonā€™t be triggered. Check how toĀ install LiveChat on your website.
When you integrate ChatBot with LiveChat, you need to replace the ChatBot tracking code on your website with LiveChatā€™s code. If you donā€™t add the LiveChat code to your website, LiveChat actions wonā€™t be triggered. Check how toĀ install LiveChat on your website.

Transfer chats to a human agent when your chatbot can’t provide answersLink icon

You can also set up your chatbot to transfer a chat to a human agent when it can’t match the user input with any interaction. To do so, you need to use Filters after Default fallback.

  1. Drag a Filter block and drop it after the Default fallback.

  2. Open the Filter block you’ve added and select Failures in the + Add new filter field.

  3. Set up the Failures attribute as is less than or equal 2. Then, select Apply filter.

  4. Now, add aĀ Bot responseĀ block to provide the bot’s reply in case the chatbot can’t match the user input with any interaction. With this setup, the bot will display a Fallback message two times before transferring the user to an agent.

    You can ask the user to rephrase their question to help sustain the conversation.

  5. Next, add a second Filter block and set up theĀ FailuresĀ attribute as is greater than 2.

    Please note that you can change the number in the filters, for example, from 2 to 3, but it has to be the same for both filters.

  6. Now, add a Bot response after the Filter block and inform the user about the transfer to your customer support team. The user will see the message after three unsuccessful queries.

  7. Next, drag the Transfer chat block from the right-hand menu and drop it after the Bot response.

  8. Note that the transfer to LiveChat might be unsuccessful because all your agents are offline or they’re not currently accepting chats. For such cases, you can add aĀ Bot responseĀ after theĀ FailureĀ block to provide the user with additional information.

  9. At this point, you can let the user leave a message for your team using the Create ticket action.

LiveChat Tickets are no longer available with the ChatBot and LiveChat integration. If you created a ChatBot account after May 11, 2023, use the HelpDesk integration to collect support tickets via ChatBot.
LiveChat Tickets are no longer available with the ChatBot and LiveChat integration. If you created a ChatBot account after May 11, 2023, use the HelpDesk integration to collect support tickets via ChatBot.

Suppose you’ve already implemented theĀ Create ticketĀ action in your chatbot. To create a ticket, you need the user’s email address.Ā 

The chatbot can collect the user’s email address thanks to:

  • The Question action.

  • The pre-chat survey in LiveChat.

    Open the Go to step block and redirect the user to the Question block to collect information, such as their email address and message.

  1. Finally, make sure that you’ve added the user’s email address in theĀ Create ticketĀ block by using the EmailĀ attribute.

Frequently Asked QuestionsLink icon

Customers are transferred to agents automatically, without going through the story.

  1. Check if you have the ā€œRemember recent agentā€ option disabled for your bot. To do so, please go to your LiveChat Integration settings, select the chosen bot and turn off the option. If you leave it enabled, your returning customers will be transferred to an agent automatically, without the option of going through the story once more.

  2. Make sure the ā€œTransfer chatā€ action is placed in an appropriate place in your story. If you have any part of the story positioned after the Success block /action, the customer will be transferred to an agent and wonā€™t be able to chat with the bot anymore.

The Transfer chat action routes customers to an incorrect group.

  1. Check that you picked the correct group in the Transfer chat block. If you want the customer to stay in the group where the chat started, choose Within the same group as an option. If you want to direct the user to a different group, choose To another group and make sure to fill in the number of the group.Ā 

  2. If youā€™re certain youā€™ve set up the proper group to transfer the chat to, check that your Routing rules in LiveChat arenā€™t routing your customers to a different one.

What do Success and Failure blocks placed next to the Transfer chat block mean?

Success means that your chat was successfully transferred from the bot to an agent.Ā 

Failure means that the chat wasnā€™t transferred to an agent ā€” either because they werenā€™t accepting chats or no agent was available. We recommend adding a Bot response next to the Failure block, informing the user that your agents will be available at a different time. You can also add a Create ticket action to get back to them later.

Bot responses arenā€™t showing after the customer is transferred to an agent.

Once your customer is transferred to an agent, they leave the chat with the bot, which means that the story that you created after the Success block following the Transfer chat action, wonā€™t be shown to the user.

I connected ChatBot to Facebook, but customers arenā€™t transferred to agents.

Once you integrate ChatBot and LiveChat, all of your other integrations need to be connected to LiveChat as well. If you connected your bot to Facebook, please disconnect it and integrate Facebook with the LiveChat app.

Where do I find the number of the LiveChat group?

You will find the number of the agent group at the end of the URL when you select the group in your LiveChat dashboard.

How can I remove the chatbot transfer and chatbot tags from my LiveChat tag list?

Unfortunately, itā€™s not possible to permanently remove these two tags from your Tag list. You can delete them, but if a new chat is transferred from the bot to an agent, they will be created automatically again.

Can the bot work within Messaging Mode?

Unfortunately, the bot canā€™t work within Messaging Mode.

Can I have manual selection on?Ā 

Unfortunately, if you turn on manual selection in your LiveChat settings for the group where the chat starts, the bot wonā€™t be able to talk to your customers and they will be transferred directly to your agents.

If you have manual selection turned on for the group to which you transfer your customers from the bot, the chats will go into the queue where they can be picked up by agents.

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