
Image of an author
Dariusz Zabrzenski
1 min read
updated: Apr 4, 2022

The gallery response lets you show off your products or services using colorful cards.

You can add up to 10 cards to each gallery. Your customers can use the gallery to browse through different options without leaving the chat window.

  1. Open the Bot response block.

  2. Select Gallery from available bot responses.


  3. First, drag and drop your image. Then, add a title and description in the fields below the image. You can add a maximum of 80 characters.


  4. Next, set up your button. Type in the title and choose the Button type. Remember, you can add a maximum of 5 buttons to each card.


  5. Last but not least, if necessary, set up Button actions. They let you decide what will happen when the user clicks the button. Read more about button settings and actions.

    gallery in chat bot

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