Go to step action

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Sylwia Kocur
1 min read
updated: Nov 22, 2023

The Go to step action lets you redirect users to a specific interaction when they reach a certain point.

You can’t add other blocks after this action because it ends the path.
You can’t add other blocks after this action because it ends the path.

Adding Go to stepLink icon

  1. Drag the Go to step block from the right side menu and add it to your bot.

  2. Click on the Go to step block.

  3. Click on the Choose the target block window to open the drop-down menu. Choose an interaction where you want to redirect the user.

It’s helpful to name all the blocks so that they can be easily identified.
It’s helpful to name all the blocks so that they can be easily identified.
  1. Close the window. The action will be saved automatically.

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